Curriculum Development and Research

We tailor curriculum to community’s knowledge systems and needs. Our team of experts collaborates closely with clients to design and develop customized curriculum materials that align with specific learning objectives. We offer ongoing support to help integrate the curriculum seamlessly and promote meaningful engagement. 

We develop curriculum on a variety of topics, such as: 

  • On the Land 

  • Indigenous history 

  • Indigenous pedagogy and philosophy

  • Colonization and Residential Schools

  • Truth and Reconciliation

  • Land acknowledgments

  • Resurgence and Decolonization

Curriculum Development and Research Services

Needs Analysis

We can assist your organization or group with a curriculum needs analysis. Our needs analysis serves as a starting point to determine what exactly your curriculum should include and how it should be structured to meet the needs of your learners, societal demands, job market requirements, and institutional goals.

Curriculum Co-Creation

We develop curriculum that can be formatted and delivered in a multitude of ways, depending on your specific purpose and audience. Our team can create curriculum for you in a variety of formats, such as: Online, in-person, or hybrid courses; webinars, workshops, modules, lecture series, and tutorials.

Instructional Design

We can help you deliver educational content in a variety of contexts. This includes helping you choose appropriate methods for teaching and delivering Indigenous-focused content, or helping you determine how you might want to evaluate or assess your learner’s understanding and skills. This also includes designing appropriate and holistic evaluation and feedback mechanisms for curriculum and educational initiatives.

Resource Co-Creation

We can introduce you to, and create vetted resources, literature, and materials that deliver Indigenous curriculum authentically and respectfully. This includes: designing lesson plans, teaching materials, learning activities, videos, and other various student/ educator aids.

Curriculum Implementation

We can assist you with implementing curriculum to your target audience. This may also include training instructors or teachers on delivery methods. Once implemented, we can work with you to ensure the curriculum is regularly reviewed and evaluated based on the learners’ performance, feedback from instructors, and other stakeholders. This process ensures that the curriculum remains relevant and effective. Based on the evaluations, we can work with you to ensure your curricula receives periodic updates to content, resources, teaching methods, or assessment techniques to maintain or improve their effectiveness.

Evaluation and Teacher Training

We can evaluate and provide feedback for your already-created content, to ensure your curriculum or learning approaches are appropriate, culturally considerate and reflect Indigenous history and teachings in a respectful and ethical way. We also possess the skills to equip educators with the knowledge, resources, and confidence to impart Indigenous studies and perspectives in their classrooms.